Design Musts for an Urban Indian Apartment

With big cities in India running out of space,, many homes are getting smaller. This makes it all the more important to utilize every square footage of space available to its maximal advantage – and create an illusion of spaciousness at the same time. While this can get really challenging, here are a few tips to get you moving in the right direction:

Emphasize vertical space – Instead of focusing on floor space, think of stacking things vertically. Use shelves on walls or niches to display your curios.. You can also use walls for storage by stacking bins one on top of another. And when it comes to the kid’s room, they would love the idea of bunk beds – and save you floor space! In the kitchen, you could use modular storage spaces built onto the walls that are really nifty. Wall-mounted drying racks for storing your washed dishes are another great idea.

Increase floor space – A little imagination is needed here. Go with L-shaped study tables or work surfaces that free-up space by using room corners. L-shaped sofa sets work in the same way and create the much-needed open space in your sitting room. Invest in sofas that come with storage spaces underneath them and use those for storing toys, magazines, etc.

Scale down the Furnishing – Using large-sized furniture in small homes will make them look cramped up. Go with dining sets, sofas or beds that are proportionate to the room’s size without being bulky. Trundle beds work great as they have large storage spaces beneath them for storing linen, blankets and other items. And if you are buying closets, go for taller but slimmer designs so you get your storage space, with minimal floor space usage.

Color magic – Colors play a great role in creating illusion of space. Lighter colors reflect light and make the room look larger. Darker shades of paint, patterned fabrics and printed wallpapers all tend to make spaces look smaller. Dark-colored floors or ceilings also have the same impact. Go with light-colored floors, ceilings and furnishings and open up spaces within your apartment.

Lighting – This is your best tool for creating an illusion of space. Let your sofas or dining table face the windows and open views. You could also place your light scones higher up on the walls to make rooms appear larger. Strategically-placed mirrors also work the same magic.

Fortius Waterscape Apartments are innovatively-designed to delight with their smart space utilization. They are located at Krishnarajapuram, Bangalore. Get more information about them here: